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Overcoming Obstacles

1. Santiago must overcome the theft he was a victim to.

"He had nothing, not even the money to return and start everything over" (Coelho 39)

  • Theft described as Santiago's "first and worst obstacles"(Novels for Students 29: 26 Characters)

  • To overcome this obstacle, Santiago works at a crystal shop for an entire year

2. Santiago must overcome a language barrier.


"One detail, which could keep him from his treasure for a long time: only Arabic was spoken in this country"

(Coelho 34)

Santiago learns to communicate with others using the Universal Language. In addition, he learns the Arabic language with the help of the crystal merchant, his employer.

3. Santiago encounters and is captured by a desert tribe.  

"The two were taken to a nearby military camp" (Coelho 139)

  • Santiago must turn himself into the wind to be freed

  • If not, he will be killed

  • He is put into a survival situation and must do something he has never done before

To overcome this obstacle, the alchemist advises Santiago to not give into his fears. Fear is what blocks one from talking to his heart. 

"Don't give in to your fears, said the alchemist . . . If you do, you won't be able to talk to your heart" (Coelho 141)

Without overcoming these obstacles, Santiago would be unable to suceed in realizing his dream. In addition, obstacles allow one to 

“find out things about his or her personality that will prove them worthy of accomplishing their goal” (Novels for Students 29: 29 Style). 

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