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1. The decision to pursue his dream had to be made.

"The sale of his sheep had left him with enough money in his pouch" (Coelho 34)

A herd of sheep.

In order to travel to his destination, Santiago has to sell his entire herd.


2. The decision to continue or go back to previous lifestyle after earning a sum of money by working at the crystal shop.


"It was a bundle of money. Enough to buy himself a hundred and twenty sheep, a return ticket, and a license to import products from Africa into his own country" (Coelho 60)

Santiago is now financially secure, and could easily quit his journey and return to his old life in Spain. 


3. The decision to continue with pursuing his dream after he meets the love of his life, Fatima.


  • The oasis is a safe place

  • A tribal war occurs in the desert

  • Despite the danger of the desert, he continues his journey


Santiago faces many decisions during his journey. Santiago does not make the decision that will be easy for him, but the decision that will internally satisfy himself.


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